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«Разделяй и властвуй» — мудрое правило; но «объединяй и направляй» — еще лучше.

Иоганн Вольфганг Гёте


PSA Peugeot Citroen is a French carmaker, second largest car manufacturer in Europe, with its headquarters in Paris. At the end of 2009 PSA established its fully owned commercial subsidiary Peugeot Citroen Ukraine (PCU), which started its commercial activity in the middle of 2010. Today Peugeot Citroen Ukraine is the exclusive importer of Peugeot and Citroen made cars and spare parts in Ukraine.


Implementation of SAP Eureca, integrated accounting and controlling IT system within PCU. In the implementation process KeyPoints took part in the development and launch of accounting and tax accounting, fixed assets accounting as well as setting up the system for Ukrainian tax reports.

As noted by Nadiya Polyakova, Chief Accountant, LLC "Peugeot Citroen Ukraine": "Linked to the dynamic development of the business of PCU, the management decided to move further to corporate standards in the field of IT and reporting. Integrated solution implemented on the platform of SAP includes the functions of accounting and controlling, procurement and sales. During the implementation of the system, which is compliant with corporate standards, we’ve been faced with the need to be complaint with Ukrainian legislation in the areas of accounting and tax accounting. An additional challenge in the course of the project was to adapt to the new requirements of tax accounting and reporting as a result of new tax code that came into force in the beginning of 2011. As a result of cooperation with Key Points the requirements of the local accounting have been implemented (tax accounting, accounting, fixed assets management, VAT accounting)". As a reminder, the transition to commercial operation of SAP was carried out from July 1, 2011. As of today, the solution SAP EURECA is operating according to business requirements. Due to constant (minor) changes in legislation and new local requirements, KeyPoints specialists still provide support and further development of the functionalities of the system.

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e-mail: info@keypoints.com.ua


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